Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where I'd like to go...

I am a beach lover. Not so much the bake-under-the-hot-sun-type, but more so the take-a-walk-at-sunset-and-ponder-the-great-things-in-life girl. Something in the misty sea air opens up my soul and makes me feel all tingly and awestruck. Perhaps there is some sub-atomic thing going on between the water and air molecules that bring out the vibes, or maybe it's just the many fond memories I have of enjoying this scene with special people in my life. Before I moved away from The Ocean State years ago, I'd drive down to Galilee and walk for miles whenever I needed to decide on a life-affecting choice. This sandy stretch of land never failed me, not even once. I collected a whole bunch more than just seashells. I collected answers that have always catapulted me to the higher road...

Now, if only I didn't live so far from the beach...

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