
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Story That Needs to be Told

I am going to be a part of a very special book project. And, I'd love for you to join me.

The book is called: Confessions of a Lesbian Pastor: sexuality, faith, and acceptance.
This is a collaboration of confessions from a closeted Pastor on faith, sexuality, fear, struggle, story, and acceptance.

We need your help in getting it started.

This book will be made available to kids in small towns, to kids who don’t know their story is important, to adults who are struggling with questions. This book will be a collection of confessions that were started on the blog: - confessions about struggle, sexuality, faith, questions, story, acceptance, coming out, and so much more. In addition to that there will be guest confessions from friends who Rae (a.k.a. mysilenthalf) has met along the way. (I am honored to be one of them!)

The goal is to raise $3,000. This money is going to be matched by an anonymous donor. The challenge: we have one week to raise the funds for the money to be matched. This money isn't for anyone to make a quick buck... instead it's so these books can be handed out to communities who need to hear our stories.

The money will be used to create, ship, and share the books
with others across the country. The point of this book is to share stories and allow others to feel less alone, to put this book in the hands of people who need to know there are people who have lived the same questions, hurt the same hurts, and are standing next to them fighting the same fight.

Will you join us?

Wishing you all the best,
Suzie Carr, novelist


  1. what a great book anything i can do to help i will

  2. @becca aw thank you so much Becca!

  3. @Alakshendra - and you are very sweet! Thank you for supporting this, my friend:)

  4. Looks like an amazing project to be part of! I'll share it to all My friends on fb and LGBT networks in England.

  5. Hello. Wow! I am a little behind on reading Enjoying Life. I apologize I was just now able to take some time to catch up. What a great book! If I am not too late you can count me in on helping where help is needed.

    Thanks for sharing! Have a GREAT Day!


  6. Hi, Suzie

    I´ll take a look at that web and see if I can participate, is it still open to confessions?
    Big hug.
